3/9/15: A Grateful Heart to Start the Week #sol15

Favorite Little Something
Found on Pinterest https://kolettehall.wordpress.com/2010/11/22/download-day-favorite-little-something/

I’d meant to jot down a few reasons for my gratitude last week (because I do believe that by acknowledging what I’m grateful for, that gratitude seems to multiply) but got waylaid by a 9-month old, some great mom friends and a library trip. Not a bad way at all to enjoy a weekend. Instead, I’ll start this week with gratitude and use that to carry me through and create even more reasons to be joyful.

  • My mom friends, particularly my single mom friends who remind me that life is so good with these kiddos we’re raising and who will show up, hold a baby, bring baked goods, walk around the block or whatever else we might need at that moment
  • My married mom friends who volunteer to come dig my car out of the snow after weeks of it sitting buried because I couldn’t leave E in the house by himself while I uncovered it and who insist that we come to dinner later that week; a perfect example of ask.believe.receive
  • E’s godfather who checks in regularly, seems to actually enjoy tasks like planning first birthday parties and who simply refuses to let me wallow in my own misery (and usually it’s not that miserable and what misery I think I feel is momentary, thankfully)
  • My former student teacher/current friend who gives me something to look forward to weekly. Our epic texts about days we have available, where we want to go and what we want to do are a delightful way to insert moments to look forward to throughout the week
  • My professional organization (New England Association of Teachers of English) and the people who volunteer to help other ELA teachers
  • Professional development that is humane and useful (thank you, Teachers As Scholars) and the opportunity to read some really great LGBTQI Young Adult literature (I’m currently early on in Gracefully Grayson and am finding it such a middle school flashback!)
  • The Slice of Life Challenge: I’ve regained some sort of writing rhythm. I haven’t written so regularly since finishing my dissertation. This habit (because it’s a habit now, right?!) certainly will make me (hopefully) get the couple of articles that are essentially written off my desk and into publication.
  • Instructional Materials Reimbursements: my school district gives teachers $450 to use for instructional materials!!! In previous years, I’ve purchased books, but this year, I wanted to document elements of my practice; I purchased a camera that can do all the things I’d hoped. I never would have been able to rationalize that purchase otherwise.
  • Slowly coming to terms with my body at this moment: during the times when I want to get down on myself for not shedding all my baby weight, I stop and remember: this body made this baby, and I’m about to be 40 years old! That’s amazing. And I am attempting, also, to stop lamenting not running in about two months because the weather has been awful. I will run again. It keeps me sane. With spring 11 days away, I will run again.
  • The village of love and support that surrounds us: it is mighty and it is strong. Sure, I need to ask for more help, but I’m getting there. Knowing it’s there is, perhaps, the most beautiful part. I never have to worry about falling. Someone is always there to catch us. Always.

Slice of Life

6 thoughts on “3/9/15: A Grateful Heart to Start the Week #sol15

  1. This is a fantastic list of thankfulness! I always enjoy reading about being thankful, especially when it’s not thanksgiving time. It’s refreshing to hear about things that someone appreciates…especially this time of year when we can so easily get bogged down in weather and work. It sounds like you have great group of friends too! 🙂


  2. So much to be grateful for!

    You have a good attitude about turning 40. 40 is on the horizon for me too and I’m trying not to sweat it. (I stressed about 30 and then, once I turned 30, I realized it was just a number. I vowed not to fret about 40.)

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